Adult membership per month.

€ 36,- 1x p/w

€ 46,- 2x p/w

€ 86,- Family subscription (Max 4 people from the same family)

So you can train on Monday and/or Thursday.

Kids membership per month.

€ 31,- Kids subscription

Membership for teenagers per month.

€ 31,- Teens subscription

The training for Kids and Teens is on Friday afternoon.

Registration fee
€ 26,- (once) for a dry-fit club shirt. For the first 2 months your contribution must be paid in advance at once, after that the contribution must be paid 1 month in advance each month.

It is possible to collect the contribution by direct debit, but you can transfer it (possibly with a periodic transfer) to NL18 ABNA 0883 4979 64 in the name of Krav Maga Twente in Almelo, stating monthly contribution followed by the month in question.

Important: By becoming a member you agree to the general terms and conditions, regulations, house rules and rules of conduct of Krav Maga Twente.